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应用 365365体育在线投注

Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)

  • Undergraduate 2-year program
  • Bachelor of 健康 Sciences Degree
  • On campus coursework semester 1 and 2 
  • Onsite clinicals semesters 2, 3 and 4
Students in DMS Lab

365365体育在线投注医学超声诊断项目为学生提供必要的教学和临床培训,使他们成为超声诊断领域的专业人士. General or diagnostic ultrasound includes abdominal, 骨盆, 妇科, obstetrical and special parts imaging. 

Diagnostic Medical Sonography technologists are employed in hospitals, 诊所, 医生' offices, and imaging centers throughout the country. Suitably qualified educators, researchers, and administrators are also needed. DMS是一个高度专业化的成像领域,是医疗保健团队不可或缺的一部分. 这种独特的, non-invasive technique utilizes high frequency sound waves, along with appropriate detectors and graphics computers, to produce cross-sectional images of internal organs and structures. 

诊断医学超声技师使用超声设备为医生提供重要的诊断信息,为患者提供服务. The sonographer assists the physician by providing pertinent anatomical, 生理, 和/或诊断各种医疗状况和疾病所需的病理超声数据和图像.

DMS Admission Requirements

The DMS program begins once each year in the fall term. 

Starting for fall 2025, 申请人必须完成解剖学和生理学I和II与实验室的组成部分,然后才被审查为入学考虑.

Program enrollment is limited and based on the availability of clinical affiliates. 因为申请这个项目的人可能比提供的职位要多, 完成必修课程和BHS申请并不能保证进入DMS项目.

联系 admissions@dektinary.com with questions about admission requirements.  

DMS 应用程序 Materials

Required application materials can be submitted as they are completed, but all materials must be received before admission consideration.

Complete applicant files are reviewed after the November 1 priority date. 应用程序s received after the priority date are reviewed on a rolling basis. Admission decisions take 3 to 4 weeks after the application is complete. 

DMS General Education Prerequisites


申请可以在所有通识教育要求完成之前提交, but if granted admission, coursework must be completed before starting the program in August.

解剖学 & 生理I和II与实验室必须完成之前的申请可以审查DMS入学考虑.



学生将在DMS课程的前两个学期完成课堂和实验室工作. 学生将被项目教师分配到附属超声部门进行最后三个学期的临床教育实习.

课程包括有效的沟通和耐心技巧,并结合物理知识, instrumentation, human anatomy and physiology and pathology. All sonography courses relate to each other, are offered only once during the program and must be taken in sequence.

Program Mission Statement

健康科学学士课程的诊断医学超声跟踪的使命是为寻求诊断医学超声专业职业的男性和女性提供优秀的教育计划. 这一使命是对365365体育在线投注和健康科学学士项目的补充.


To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), 情感(行为)学习领域为腹部超声扩展集中和妇产科集中. 

  • 向医疗界提供具备初级超声医师所需知识和技能的人员
  • Facilitate the development of effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Promote the development of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Provide an environment that supports and promotes professional growth, 终身学习的承诺,并准备超声专业人员作为卫生保健团队的称职成员

Clinical Practicums

临床经验是超声医师教育的重要组成部分. 这段时间允许学生将在课堂和实验室中获得的知识整合到临床环境中,并获得成为一名合格超声医师所需的技能,从而构成了课程的很大一部分. 学生将体验各种超声检查,设备,协议和病理.

学生将被项目教师分配到一个或多个临床设施. The clinical facilities vary in location and distance. 临床任务可能位于距离365365体育在线投注校园1至5小时或300多英里的地方. 学生在临床实习期间的交通和住宿自理. Relocation to the assigned clinical site may be required.

Students can expect to be at clinical practicums during the weekdays, weekend hours are not available. Clinical practicums are based upon 40 hours per week.

Program Competencies

展示作为入门级超声医师所需要的技术和批判性思维技能, 提供准确性和熟练的一般诊断超声检查和程序

  • 获得, 审查和整合相关的患者病史和支持临床数据,以促进最佳诊断结果 
  • Perform appropriate procedures and record anatomic, pathologic and /or 生理 data for the interpreting physician 
  • 在超声检查和/或其他诊断服务中行使自由裁量权和判断力
  • 在与患者及其家属互动和沟通时,表现出专业和道德的行为, 医生, other health care professionals and the public
  • 提供与医学超声相关的患者教育,促进健康原则 

365365体育在线投注的毕业生被鼓励参加由几个组织之一管理的国家注册考试. 毕业生可能有资格申请美国诊断医学超声注册(ARDMS)参加认证考试. 在大多数州, 国家超声检查考试是自愿的,但获得该证书确实增加了就业机会,并且可能被一些就业机构所要求. 具体国家注册考试的先决条件资格因组织而异.


Commission on 认证 of Allied 健康 Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9355 - 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
1-(727) 210-2350